- Sailor Moon cursors

Sailor Moon cursors
Sailor Moon is one of the most legendary anime, based on the shojo manga which was written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi and published in Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine in the 90s. But this series became so popular, that nowadays it is a huge franchise with movies, series, live-action television, games, musicals, novels, park attractions, and even ice skating shows.
What is this Sailor Moon about? It is a magical action series full of adventures of a teenage girl who learns about her destiny as the legendary warrior named Sailor Moon which you already can find in our Sailor Moon cursor collection. But she doesn't pass this way alone, she has friends - other Sailor Scouts who defend the Earth and Galaxy.
If you like this anime as much, as we do, then you are greatly welcomed in our fanart Sailor Moon Cursor Collection. Here you can find your favorite characters as anime cursors. Your pretty guardians are waiting for you! Among them is Sailor Jupiter as a cursor, anime pointer with Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn cursor, Sailor Moon cursor with Sailor Venus or Sailor Mars, or even anime cursor with little Sailor Chibi Moon. And many others characters from the anime about Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon.
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Sailor Moon Sailor Aluminum Siren cursor
What a beauty in our fanart Sailor Moon cursor pack! Sailor Aluminum Siren is the second of the Sailor Animamates to be introduced, along with Sailor Lead Crow. She is a mermaid humanoid working as a talent agent for Ginga TV.
Sailor Moon Fish Eye and Lipstick cursor
Fish Eye is one of the Amazon Trio that serves the Dead Moon Circus. Fish Eye presents as an androgynous male - his face is considered more feminine, while his body is thin and flat male. Fanart Sailor Moon cursor pack with Fish Eye and Lipstick.
Sailor Moon Kaorinite cursor
Kaolinite is the caretaker of the Tomoe household, Professor Tomoe's secretary, and the first of the Death Busters to look for Pure Hearts. You can be like her due to our fanart Sailor Moon Kaorinite cursor pack.
Sailor Moon Ail and Flute cursor
Ail is one of the two main antagonists during the Makai Tree arc of the 2nd season of the Sailor Moon series. He is also known as Alan. In his classic alien form, Ail's skin is light green. Sailor Moon cursor pack with fanart cursor Ail and Flute.
Sailor Moon Queen Serenity cursor
Queen Serenity is the mother of Princess Serenity and was the ruler of the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millennium. She is a woman with a slender body, fair skin and bright silver eyes. Sailor Moon Queen Serenity fanart anime cursor.
Sailor Moon Sailor Neptune cursor
Michiru Kaiou is the civilian identity and present-day incarnation of Sailor Neptune. Sailor Neptune's uniform consisted of a white leotard with a sea-green skirt, and a navy-blue back bow. Sailor Moon cursor pack with fanart Sailor Neptune anime cursor.
Sailor Moon Sailor Uranus cursor
Haruka Tenou is the civilian identity of Sailor Uranus. Haruka is an older teenage girl with short, pale tan hair and dark blue eyes. She has a gold tiara on her forehead with a dark blue gem. Sailor Moon cursor with fanart Sailor Uranus anime pointer.
Sailor Moon Queen Nehelenia cursor
Queen Nehelenia was presented in the 4th season of the anime series as the main villain of the season, and the leader of the Dead Moon Circus. Later she was known as Queen Helenia. Sailor Moon cursor pack with fanart Queen Nehelenia anime cursor.
Sailor Moon Black Lady and Malefic Black Crystal cursor
Black Lady is an older version of Chibiusa Tsukino, the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion, who was corrupted by Wiseman in Sailor Moon R and became evil. Sailor Moon anime cursor with Malefic Black Crystal and Black Lady.
Sailor Moon Tuxedo Mask and Rose cursor
Mamoru Chiba or Tuxedo Mask is the incarnation of Prince Endymion in the present day. Mamoru has a black cane and the red rose that he throws on his enemies. Sailor Moon Tuxedo Mask and Rose as an anime cursor.
Sailor Moon Luna and Artemis cursor
Luna or Sailor Luna is a talking black cat that appears in the very beginning and consults Sailor Moon and the Sailor Guardians. Artemis is the white guardian cat of Minako - Sailor Venus, and her advisor. Sailor Moon Luna and Artemis as an anime cursor.
Sailor Moon Sailor Chibi Moon and Pink Moon Rod cursor
Chibiusa Tsukino is the crown princess of Earth in the 30th Century, the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion, and the identity of Sailor Chibi Moon. Anime cursor with Sailor Chibi Moon and Pink Moon Rod.
Sailor Moon Sailor Saturn cursor
Sailor Saturn is a member of the Sailor Guardians of the Moon Kingdom, who protect the Solar System from evil. Sailor Moon is legendary anime, so we made Sailor Saturn cursors for you! Add this cute cursors and customize your mouse!
Sailor Moon Diana and Collar cursor
Diana is a fictional character in the Sailor Moon franchise. Diana is the only daughter of the cats Artemis and Luna from the 30th century future of Earth, Crystal Tokyo. A fanart Sailor Moon cursor with Diana and Collar.
Sailor Moon Sailor Pluto cursor
Space-Time Door Guardian - Sailor Pluto, also known by her civil name as Setsuna Meiou, and her Space-Time Key in the anime cursor from the Sailor Moon series.